JESUSISM: A type of Christianity in which belivers adhere to the life and teachings of Jesus as the true and perfect foundation for their spriritual walk.

While in theory every Christian believes this, modern evangelical Chrisitianity mostly adheres to the teachings of Paul. A Jesusist holds the words of Paul and all others scribes of the Bible as wisdom gleaned from that person's encounter with God, but believes that the words of JESUS are esteemed above the words of ANY other person.

Jesusism views the LIFE, the TEACHINGS and the WORKS of Jesus as the only infalliable way, truth and life by which we should live. It is our life, our path, our guide and the only source by which we place our faith.

In short- what Jesus said and did is more important than what anyone else said or did in the Bible and if there seems to be any contradiction between words of Jesus and another person's words in the Bible; then what Jesus said is what stands as THE truth.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


1. I believe that the Bible contains some of the Words of God but cannot be accurately called THE Word of God.

2. I believe that the Bible is a collection of writings in which each author described and recorded his or her encounter with God.

3. I do not believe that the Bible is infalliable becuase it was written by falliable human beings.

4. I believe that all scripture when rightly interpreted and used can be beneficial for edification, but I do not accept all the words of the Bible as God's Divine Word nor do I accept every teaching found in the Bible as God inspired. After all, Jesus himself quoted Isaiah as being correct in saying "In vain they do worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." I believe that there are many places in the Bible where commandments of men are being taught as God's divine doctrine.

5. As a Jesusist I see the life and teachings of Jesus as my guide book and my point of reference. The teachings of Jesus are the cornerstone of the Bible and ALL OTHER TEACHINGS contained in the Bible can only be validated by weighing them against what Jesus taught. In every situation, what Jesus taught takes precedence over what the anyone else in the Bible teaches. If there is ever a contradiction, then what Jesus says stands as the final authority.


Anonymous said...

Love this BLOG. The problem with traditional interpretation of the Bible is that Jesus is sandwiched in between, almost hidden by, the OT on the one hand and Paul's Letters on the other. The content of Jesus 3-year ministry is often lost. Yet Jesus' message is so much more powerful than Paul's.

The tragedy is that few people who call themselves Christians know what Jesus said are the Greatest Commandments,or know where Jesus said prayer belongs, or about His warnings about wolves in sheeps clothing and knowing them by their fruits.

Anonymous said...

I found your insight into the bible very well done. I think you are right on about the nature of the bible and some of the mistakes in it. It is up to people to be wise and careful about the meaning of the contents. Thank you once again for taking the time to address these issues. You are doing a wonderful work here.