I am a Jesusist. I was raised in a Christian household and until about eleven years ago, I knew exactly what I believed........what I was taught. So do most Christians. Historically Christians have accepted the teachings of the church as factual and God breathed without seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to find out if the church's truth is actually God's truth. Why should they? After all even questioning the church's teachings are considered heretical. It is so much easier to blindly follow whatever is being taught. I, like so many other sheep, willing followed whatever was said to me whether it bore any resemblance to Christ's teachings or not.
Sometime in late 1999 I had a crisis of faith. I spent a few years re-evaluating all my spiritual beliefs. I questioned everything I believed and why I believed it. After stripping away decades of religious indoctrination, I soon realized that I can no longer call myself a Christian with a clear conscience. My faith, my personal creeds and my relationship with God are no longer in line with the teachings of the Christian religion (and yes it IS a religion). After much prayer, studying and soul searching, I have become what I can only call a Jesusist. To put it plain and simple, I am a person who studies and practices the teachings of Jesus. I even go further to state that I am a Messianic Jesusist. I not only study and practice Jesus' teachings, but I also believe on Him as the Messiah, the Christ, God's only begotten son. I created this blog to spread the message of Jesusism as a way of life.
I am creating this blog to share my faith. I was once a Christian and now I am a Jesusist. On this blog I will be discussing what I believe as a Jesusist and the basic tenents of Jesusism.
JESUSISM: A type of Christianity in which belivers adhere to the life and teachings of Jesus as the true and perfect foundation for their spriritual walk.
While in theory every Christian believes this, modern evangelical Chrisitianity mostly adheres to the teachings of Paul. A Jesusist holds the words of Paul and all others scribes of the Bible as wisdom gleaned from that person's encounter with God, but believes that the words of JESUS are esteemed above the words of ANY other person.
Jesusism views the LIFE, the TEACHINGS and the WORKS of Jesus as the only infalliable way, truth and life by which we should live. It is our life, our path, our guide and the only source by which we place our faith.
In short- what Jesus said and did is more important than what anyone else said or did in the Bible and if there seems to be any contradiction between words of Jesus and another person's words in the Bible; then what Jesus said is what stands as THE truth.
While in theory every Christian believes this, modern evangelical Chrisitianity mostly adheres to the teachings of Paul. A Jesusist holds the words of Paul and all others scribes of the Bible as wisdom gleaned from that person's encounter with God, but believes that the words of JESUS are esteemed above the words of ANY other person.
Jesusism views the LIFE, the TEACHINGS and the WORKS of Jesus as the only infalliable way, truth and life by which we should live. It is our life, our path, our guide and the only source by which we place our faith.
In short- what Jesus said and did is more important than what anyone else said or did in the Bible and if there seems to be any contradiction between words of Jesus and another person's words in the Bible; then what Jesus said is what stands as THE truth.
Hi Epiphany - Thanks for this great blog! I don't know if I am a Jesusist yet, but probably pretty close though I probably practice things that would be considered 'pagan'. Maybe I am more a deist...not sure yet. But your blog is interesting and the only one I know of. I even looked for Jesusist churches and can't find a one.
Dear Epiphany, Thank you for putting into words some of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that have been rattling in my brain.
I've only read a few posts so far but they ring more true for me than anything I have experienced in the many countless sermons I've listened to in the numerous denominations/congregations I've investigated.
The past several decades I've struggled as I didn't feel comfortable with the modern Christian church & all of it's teachings & dogma. So I've been searching (though it hasn't always been a priority). I've been to so many different churches, spoken/interviewed a ton of pastors & priests not only of the Christian denominations but also of other world religions. The teachings of Jesus have always made sense to me but all the other 'stuff' that accompanies 'Christianity' didn't.
Anyway, I'm babbling due to the excitement I feel that there's at least one other person who has shared some similar belief struggles.
Again thank you!
From a newly proclaimed fellow heretic!
Dear Epiphany, Thank you for putting into words some of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that have been rattling in my brain.
I've only read a few posts so far but they ring more true for me than anything I have experienced in the many countless sermons I've listened to in the numerous denominations/congregations I've investigated.
The past several decades I've struggled as I didn't feel comfortable with the modern Christian church & all of it's teachings & dogma. So I've been searching (though it hasn't always been a priority). I've been to so many different churches, spoken/interviewed a ton of pastors & priests not only of the Christian denominations but also of other world religions. The teachings of Jesus have always made sense to me but all the other 'stuff' that accompanies 'Christianity' didn't.
Anyway, I'm babbling due to the excitement I feel that there's at least one other person who has shared some similar belief struggles.
Again thank you!
From a newly proclaimed fellow heretic!
I was raised in a Protestant family, but have developed my own thoughts through the past two years. Exactly these thought, it is Jesus that I look up to, it is his parables and wisdom that are super appealing to me. To see and study his life and know how he acted, coming to this realization, and seeing how your church members and "religious" friends live, it's so paradoxical!
I only believe in his teachings, theology does not appeal to me. I do not like abstract stuff, 'grace' and 'sin' and 'offer' are words that just don't get in my head.
I like your Jesusim. I googled Jesusist because I thought that was a good name for my own personal religion. I didn't expect to find anything but I found your blog.
It would be nice if there were a Jesusist Church, but then it might become all dogmatic like the rest of the churches.
Thanks for the epiphany, Epiphany! It was providentially exciting to come across your blog!
I just wanted to let you and your readers know that there are more of us "Jesusists" out there. Some fellow Jesusist friends/family and I have even started another blog/website (livewithoutlovingmoney.
wordpress.com) and would love to connect with others who have been led to similar conclusions about Jesus teachings being superior to anything the churches are offering.
BTW, we refer to modern "christianity" as CHURCHianity, as it bears very little resemblance to what Jesus actually taught/commanded his followers, and shows itself to be far more concerned with building little empires that they call denominations.
You will notice that our website does have a recurring theme that explores the whole God OR money (Mt. 6:24-34) issue that Jesus raised, as we feel confident that it relates to and permeates everything else that He taught about loving our neighbors as ourselves and what it actually means to "live by faith".
We look forward to hearing from you all!!
Love, light, and peace---
Dear Epiphany,
What a great blog you have created. You have put into words my thoughts in regards to Christianity for many years. I have written a few words in my journal that I would like to share with you.
"I believe that one who claims to follow Jesus should follow Jesus. Not Paul, not the pastor, not anyone other than Jesus. The words, attitude and spirit of Jesus trumps any thing else."
I think you are doing a very important work here. Please keep it up and I look forward to reading more.
I noticed Facebook didn't really have a group or active page for us. So here they are.
My name is Robert; and you are not alone. There are not very many of us; but, then Jesus said there wouldn't be.
A follower of Jesus,
People don't be blind by God's word. You cannot believe in Jesus and not believe in God, for Jesus and the Father are ONE. Jesus even prayed to the Father. If you believe in the ways of Jesus than you believe in GOD and you recognize Him as the ONLY God. Read the Old Testament. Genesis says Ch 1.1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Verse 26 Then God said, ""Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..."" Jesus is not just the Son of God, but He is God. More so you should do a little more in depth research of who Jesuits are and see what they are about not just spiritually but politically before you start bashing other Christian faiths. Your daughter asked you why she was at church and you couldn't answer because you do not follow the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, The God of Israel. Repent and ask God for forgiveness and that you bow and worship him only.
I typed in "jesusism" just out of curiosity. I had no idea the term existed. I think that following the ways of Jesus is certainly an improvement over following others who are not like him.
I never did understand the obsession people had with Paul. Most of what I was reading when I did read the Bible at all was the gospel of Matthew. Thanks for making this blog. I hope others see it too.
I typed in "jesusism" just out of curiosity. I had no idea the term existed. I think that following the ways of Jesus is certainly an improvement over following others who are not like him.
I never did understand the obsession people had with Paul. Most of what I was reading when I did read the Bible at all was the gospel of Matthew. Thanks for making this blog. I hope others see it too.
I believe as Jesusism. I believe He is God's son, the only path to God, and is God incarnate. Jesus is the most influential person in history. All religion is man-made. Jesus is not. Although referred to as the son of man, He is God made. He is the Messiah, one true. He is the only savior for this desperate and confused world in which we live. He constantly gave God credit for everything He did. He not once took credit. He didn't need accolades. He was on a mission, from God, designed by God, and for God.
We should all strive to be more like Jesus. Maybe following Jesus and his
teachings would make each of us better people.
Unfortunately, I believe we now live in a post Christian era. I believe our only hope in this world is Jesus-ism! The Christian church has hurt more than I believe it has helped. I believe Jesus would be very unhappy with the church. True teachings of Jesus are more like an "underground" church. He would be hated today, as he was back then because he would speak truth and tell it like it is. He was not for "churchiosity". He was a realist, and died for what he believed.
It is sad to say, but true, that I have come to expect to be "hurt" or disappointed when dealing with people who call themselves Christians or "churchy" people. Somehow they manage to turn non church people off, or tend to be very judgemental. This is unfortunate. Jesus never turned anyone off. People followed after him, to the point where he started an uprising. We Jesus freaks can do the same. We just need to be real like Jesus, not fake or pretend. Follow none but one-----Jesus!!!
I take Jesus personally seriously and being a Jesusist for me a matter of life and death, Jesus is not just my Lord in mere words but King and His Word is Law and command in my life. His teaching is life everlasting it's self. No man on Earth has the authority in word as Jesus,so in this world it's either you are a Satanist or a Jesusist...who soldier are you. In short the question is,WHO IS YOUR MASTER? I serve JESUS so I am a Jesusist.
If you want to share more with me how I became Lweendo The Jesusist call me on +260964661504 or email me at thejesusist@gmail.com or still you can listen and download our song for Jesus nshskabwelele-kumalushi-lweendo-the-jesusist-afrofire.com.let us preach the Man Jesus.The God-Man that is the Son of the living God, the who single handedly changed the world because He gave the world the golden answer to the biggest question and quest. Everlasting LIFE. As a Jesusist I believe like I have said in the other post above, it's either you are a stanist(atheist,maxist or what ever you want to call your self)or a Jesusist. Chose Jesus as a Jesusist and learn how you can live with Him for ever,because only Him knows how.
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