JESUSISM: A type of Christianity in which belivers adhere to the life and teachings of Jesus as the true and perfect foundation for their spriritual walk.

While in theory every Christian believes this, modern evangelical Chrisitianity mostly adheres to the teachings of Paul. A Jesusist holds the words of Paul and all others scribes of the Bible as wisdom gleaned from that person's encounter with God, but believes that the words of JESUS are esteemed above the words of ANY other person.

Jesusism views the LIFE, the TEACHINGS and the WORKS of Jesus as the only infalliable way, truth and life by which we should live. It is our life, our path, our guide and the only source by which we place our faith.

In short- what Jesus said and did is more important than what anyone else said or did in the Bible and if there seems to be any contradiction between words of Jesus and another person's words in the Bible; then what Jesus said is what stands as THE truth.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


There is nothing in the world more rewarding than being alone with God. I think that most Christians undervalue the benefits and worth of meditation. I have learned to sit and not just pray, but to actually have conversations with God. I talk to Him and I listen to Him. I grow closer to him through this private time we spend communicating. I believe that Jesus knew the value of being alone with God. After all, the Bible says he spent 40 days in the wilderness fasting and praying. It also says that he sometimes got away from the crowds and got alone to pray. I wonder how many people recognize the complete joy and peace that can be found in just being alone and talking with God? Part of living the Jesusist way of life is finding quiet time to be alone with our Creator; to practice speaking with him and practice hearing his voice. There is no greater act we can perform than to have communion with the Almighty. Our intimacy with Him grows through our communication with him. In order to recognize His voice and His guidance we have to get used to hearing His voice. "My sheep know My voice." In order to truly be His sheep and have Him as our Shepherd we have to learn to recognize His voice. I know you have probably spoken to God, but ask yourself, when was the last time you actually heard Him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, I must agree. Jesus taught about "Going into the closet" to pray (Matt 6, KJV), other translations talk about going into your room and closing the door. Jesus' own prayer at Gethsemene was a solitary event - perhaps in part because the disciples kept falling asleep.

Sometimes, I think that churches are popular because people fear being alone with God. They can only speak with Him when they are in a crowd - and often - someone else makes up the words.